Maggie Mullin
Summary: What if circumstances were different, and Jake and Heather had met long before the school bus? An alternate version of Jericho in which Jake and Heather are married and expecting. A re-telling of the Jericho episode Semper Fidelis.
Categories: Green Family,
Characters: April Green,
Bonnie Richmond,
Eric Green,
Gail Green,
Gray Anderson,
Heather Lisinski,
Jake Green,
Johnston Green,
Maggie Mullin,
Mimi Clark,
Roger Hammond,
Stanley Richmond
Episode/Spoilers For: 1.15 - Semper FidelisGenres: Alternate Universe,
Series: Different Circumstances
Chapters: 7
Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 87263
Read Count: 314738
[Report This] Published: 17 Aug 2009
Updated: 12 Nov 2013
On Halloween, two historians visit Jericho.
Categories: Holidays >
Characters: Allison Hawkins,
April Green,
Bonnie Richmond,
Dale Turner,
Darcy Hawkins,
Emily Sullivan,
Eric Green,
Gail Green,
Gracie Leigh,
Gray Anderson,
Heather Lisinski,
Jake Green,
Jimmy Taylor,
John Goetz,
Johnston Green,
Jonah Prowse,
Kenchy Dhuwalia,
Maggie Mullin,
Major Edward Beck,
Mary Bailey,
Mimi Clark,
Phil Constantino,
Robert Hawkins,
Roger Hammond,
Sam Hawkins,
Sean Henthorn,
Skylar Stevens,
Stanley Richmond,
Ted Lewis,
Trish Merrick
Episode/Spoilers For: Season 1,
Season 2Genres: Alternate Universe,
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 3714
Read Count: 23749
[Report This] Published: 18 Oct 2008
Updated: 18 Oct 2008