Episode/Spoilers For: 1.10 - Red Flag
The View From The Bench by dponice Rated: K+ (Some Content May Not be Suitable for Young Children) [Reviews - 0]

Heather’s point of view of the month following the kiss, and what leads to her statements to Jake in Black Jack.  A companion piece to Five Times Passing.

Categories: Jake/Heather
Characters: Heather Lisinski, Jake Green
Episode/Spoilers For: 1.08 - Rogue River, 1.09 - Crossroads, 1.10 - Red Flag, 1.11 - Vox Populi, 1.13 - Black Jack
Genres: None
Challenges: Black Jack Challenge # 1
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2952 Read Count: 14085
[Report This] Published: 28 Sep 2009 Updated: 29 Sep 2009
Five Times Passing by dponice Rated: K+ (Some Content May Not be Suitable for Young Children) [Reviews - 0]

My version of how Jake and Heather manage to go for a month without speaking after a kiss that good. This is from Jake’s POV, and is a companion piece to The View From the Bench.

Categories: Jake/Heather
Characters: Heather Lisinski, Jake Green
Episode/Spoilers For: 1.08 - Rogue River, 1.09 - Crossroads, 1.10 - Red Flag, 1.11 - Vox Populi, 1.13 - Black Jack
Genres: None
Challenges: Black Jack Challenge # 1
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3364 Read Count: 16938
[Report This] Published: 28 Sep 2009 Updated: 29 Sep 2009
Different Circumstances, Part 10 by Marzee Doats Rated: T (Contains Content Not Suitable for Children) [Reviews - 5]

What if circumstances were different, and Jake and Heather had met long before the school bus? An alternate version of Jericho in which Jake and Heather are married and expecting. A re-telling of the Jericho episode Red Flag.

Categories: Green Family, Jake/Heather, Holidays > Thanksgiving
Characters: April Green, Bill, Emily Sullivan, Eric Green, Gail Green, Heather Lisinski, Jake Green, Jimmy Taylor, Johnston Green, Kenchy Dhuwalia, Robert Hawkins, Stanley Richmond
Episode/Spoilers For: 1.10 - Red Flag
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Romance
Series: Different Circumstances
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 54609 Read Count: 207050
[Report This] Published: 26 Jun 2008 Updated: 26 Jun 2008
Life in Bizarro World by Marzee Doats Rated: K (Suitable for Most Ages) [Reviews - 4]
Summary: Past Featured Story

A possible explanation for Heather's absence from the episode Red Flag. Definitely Jake/Heather. Definintely AU after Vox Populi.

Categories: Jake/Heather
Characters: Heather Lisinski, Jake Green
Episode/Spoilers For: 1.10 - Red Flag
Genres: Romance
Series: Bizarro World
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 4911 Read Count: 18205
[Report This] Published: 08 Jun 2008 Updated: 08 Jun 2008