Episode/Spoilers For: 1.02 - Fallout
Different Circumstances, Part 2 by Marzee Doats Rated: T (Contains Content Not Suitable for Children) [Reviews - 2]

What if circumstances were different, and Jake and Heather had met long before the school bus? An alternate version of Jericho with Jake and Heather in an established relationship. A retelling of the Jericho episode Fallout.

Categories: Green Family, Jake/Heather
Characters: April Green, EJ Green, Eric Green, Gail Green, Gray Anderson, Heather Lisinski, Jake Green
Episode/Spoilers For: 1.02 - Fallout
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Romance
Series: Different Circumstances
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 12610 Read Count: 20005
[Report This] Published: 30 May 2008 Updated: 30 May 2008