[Reviews - 4] Printer
Past Featured StorySummary:

Facing the second Christmas after the world's end, the people of Jericho, Kansas look for the light.

Rated: K+ (Some Content May Not be Suitable for Young Children)
Categories: Richmond Family, Holidays > Christmas, Dale/Skylar, Eric/Mary, Stanley/Mimi, Green Family, Hawkins Family Characters: Allison Hawkins, Bill, Bonnie Richmond, Dale Turner, Darcy Hawkins, Eric Green, Gail Green, Heather Lisinski, Jake Green, Jimmy Taylor, Mary Bailey, Mimi Clark, Robert Hawkins, Russell, Sam Hawkins, Sean Henthorn, Skylar Stevens, Stanley Richmond
Episode/Spoilers For: None
Genres: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: Yes
Word count: 18081 Read: 172730
Published: 24 Dec 2008 Updated: 07 Jan 2009

Story Notes:

DISCLAIMER: The name "Jericho" and all character names and trademarks associated with the television program are the intellectual property of Junction Entertainment, Fixed Mark Productions, CBS Paramount Television and/or CBS Studios, Inc. The following story is a work of fan fiction intended solely as an intellectual exercise without profit motive. No infringement of copyright is intended or should be implied.

 Special thanks to Skyrose for her feedback and encouragement!

Thanks also to Marzee Doats for sharing her menu planning expertise, and general holiday story advice!

1. Christmas Eve by Penny Lane [Reviews - 2] (Word Count: 6129, Read: 86303)

2. Christmas Day by Penny Lane [Reviews - 2] (Word Count: 11952, Read: 86423)