A Jericho Fan Fiction Archive
The world ended. Their time was just beginning.
The Survival Season
Historical Sketches of a Small Town
By Deputy Bill Kohler
DISCLAIMER: The name "Jericho" and all character names and trademarks associated with the television program are the intellectual property of Junction Entertainment, Fixed Mark Productions, CBS Paramount Television and/or CBS Studios, Inc. The following story is a work of fan fiction intended solely as an intellectual exercise without profit motive. No infringement of copyright is intended or should be implied.
Dear Readers: It has been my endeavour to record the facts as I saw them happening. This is an account of history, but more than that, it's the story of the place I love and the people who held onto it, through the darkest of times: my friends, my family, my fellow residents of Jericho. I dedicate this to them.
-Bill Kohler
AUTHORS' WARNING: This is satire.
Jericho, like all fanfic universes, has its sacred cows. This story skewers those cows, and then for good measure, barbeques them on a big, giant bonfire of irreverence. Please take heed of our colorful warning. We know what we did, and we don't apologize for messing with anybody.
1. A Prologue by Penny Lane [Reviews - 3] (Word Count: 2871, Read: 52450)
2. An Unexpected Blessing by Penny Lane [Reviews - 3] (Word Count: 3666, Read: 52555)
3. When Worlds Collide by Penny Lane [Reviews - 3] (Word Count: 6036, Read: 52343)
4. Hitting the Motherlode by Penny Lane [Reviews - 1] (Word Count: 7856, Read: 52269)
5. Operation: Square Dance Tango by Penny Lane [Reviews - 2] (Word Count: 2962, Read: 52284)
6. A Tangled Web by Penny Lane [Reviews - 2] (Word Count: 1754, Read: 52930)
7. A Woman of Independent Means by Penny Lane [Reviews - 2] (Word Count: 1875, Read: 52547)
8. Misdirection Mambo by Penny Lane [Reviews - 2] (Word Count: 2121, Read: 52957)
9. The Government Contractor Who Came to Tea by Penny Lane [Reviews - 2] (Word Count: 3055, Read: 52448)
10. Desperate Measures by Penny Lane [Reviews - 0] (Word Count: 9053, Read: 52485)
11. High Noon Paso Doble by Penny Lane [Reviews - 0] (Word Count: 9117, Read: 52129)
12. The Devil's Playground by Penny Lane [Reviews - 0] (Word Count: 14846, Read: 50064)
13. The Allied States of Emily by Penny Lane [Reviews - 0] (Word Count: 5402, Read: 49846)