Penname: Shadowflame [Contact] Real name: Anja
Member Since: 27 Nov 2012
Membership status: Member

I'm Anja, a mother of two sons and I live in Germany.

I'm a big Fan of Jericho and Prison Break, but I also like Stargate, The Walking Dead, Criminal Minds, Bones, CSI and so much more... :)

Of course I love movies too - Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Narnia, etc.

As for FanFiction... this is just like a wonderful playground, there are so many possibilities!!!!

I'm obsessed reading FanFics... they add so much to the shows and movies that I love... flesh to the bone... make the beloved characters so much more alive and vivid...

To make it short: I have the faint hope that maybe I can spread this favour... that maybe the things I have in my heart and head may do that little magic for other people too...

But well... we will see... :)

Oh... and I have to mention - I'm no native english speaker, so my writing may be a bit odd... but I have wonderful support from my Beta Nikki in GB and from 2merryann from the USA and now BBC Addict has joined this lovely group - thanks so much, girls, without the help of you I wouldn't dare to publish anything!!!! *sends a lot of hugs & kisses*

Hugs from Germany

Shadowflame :)

Gender: undisclosed
Location: Germany, near Munich
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Stories by Shadowflame
Strange Encounters by Shadowflame Rated: K (Suitable for Most Ages) [Reviews - 2]

How does it happen that Heather walks into Jake at the shower? Find out... Heather & Jake, a glimpse of Gail and Bonnie and a teasing bit of Stanley – literally… ;

Categories: General, Jake/Heather
Characters: Bonnie Richmond, Gail Green, Heather Lisinski, Jake Green, Stanley Richmond
Episode/Spoilers For: 1.04 - Walls of Jericho
Genres: Humor, Romance
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 1559 Read Count: 20720
[Report This] Published: 26 Aug 2013 Updated: 27 Aug 2013